Improving Your One-on-One Meetings: Tips for Managers and Employees

One on One should be more than just a status update rather it should be about your growth and development.

Pallav Grover
3 min readMar 7, 2023
Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

One-on-one meetings (1–1s) are an essential tool for building strong relationships between managers and their direct reports. These meetings are an opportunity for managers to provide feedback, answer questions, and offer support to their team members. However, many 1–1s are ineffective or even dreaded by employees. In this article, we’ll explore some tips on how to improve your 1–1 meetings and make them more productive and engaging for both parties.

Set an agenda

One of the most important aspects of a successful 1–1 meeting is setting an agenda. This helps both parties stay on track and ensure that they cover all the topics they need to discuss. The agenda should include items like progress updates, feedback, questions, and concerns. You can share the agenda with your direct report ahead of time to give them the opportunity to add items they want to discuss.

Make it a conversation, not a performance review

One-on-one meetings should not feel like a formal performance review. Instead, aim to create a comfortable…

